Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Here we are with our hosts for night 22. We didn't know where we were staying until late in the day. AC and Yoshimi wonderfully offered to put us up at the last minute. They are truly a giving, thoughtful and sincere couple. They shared their story with us - which is a lot like our own story. In their lifetime, it was illegal for them to be married in many states. We all agreed that we're still having the same argument - different people, same issues - that we've been having for decades. Thank you AC and Yoshimi!

1 comment:

  1. It was our honor and pleasure to be able to support you as you came through. Just wish we'd had more time to get to know each other better and swap stories. We wish you safe travels and "may the road rise up to meet you."

    --Yoshimi & AC
