Friday, December 5, 2008


This is Jill Schubert, our hostess for day 16. She graciously picked us up after a long day of walking and got us safely to her house for the evening. Over the course of the evening and the next morning, we learned that Jill is a self taught computer wiz. She teaches computer classes (web design, etc.) at Cuesta College and she knows a lot about video editing.

We had just spent the last couple of days wondering if we'd find someone that could and would edit all of the clips that we're collecting (re: "what would you say to the CA Supreme Court"). and just like that - TA DA!! ....... Jill is our video editor!! She was as excited as we were to talk about how great it'll be to have all of these clips compiled together. She has agreed to work with us over the next couple of weeks and possibly beyond, to edit our video. THANK YOU JILL!!

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