Thursday, December 18, 2008


DAY 30 - We started out in San Mateo - STILL on El Camino Real. We walked into South San Francisco!

Here are Matt and Valerie, bright and shining - ready for another day of walking!

We had a beautiful, not-a-cloud-in-the-sky day.
At some point during the morning, Matt and Tracie had to use the bathroom BADLY and there wan't one in sight for blocks. Along came a man named John - he turned around to come give us some lunch money. When he pulled up next to us, he asked if we needed a shower or lunch or anything (we're pretty sure we showered that morning... we weren't THAT "fragrant"!) Well, he lived a few blocks away and gave us a ride to his house so we could all use the restroom. Then he showed us an old Victrola and played an old one sided record on it. Wow! It was very beautiful.
We've been walking for days along El Camino Real - Matt took this picture of us with one of the historic bells.
We also met Jay. He said that he drove for blocks trying to catch up with us, but because the traffic was going so slow, he had a difficult time catching us! He finally caught up to us, hugged us all, thanked us for what we're doing, gave us some money for the journey.

Another beautiful person that we met was Maria. She pulled over on the side of the road, handed us some bills with a $5 showing, apologized for not having more money to give us - then she told us that she and her partner had been together for 18 years and want the option to be married. We later found out that under that $5 was a very generous sum. Maria, thank you doesn't seem sufficient, but thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
It was a bit exciting and surreal to reach South San Francisco! After walking for ONE MONTH, and having no time to really reflect on all of these wonderful experiences, it's a little daunting to actually be on the edge of our destination city.

We had to run to the middle of the street several times to get picture of the city signs. This picture is Matt stopping traffic for us to get across safely.

Tomorrow, we'll actually be walking into the Castro area! Unbelievable!!
And thanks again to Carol and Susan for hosting us a 2nd night in their home! They sent us off with a wonderful breakfast and very warm wishes.

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